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His brother had often been a burden. But he had been his brother nonetheless.
He would avenge this killing and he would enjoy doing so.
But first he would have to work out who these two people were. His brother had underestimated them and had paid the consequences and he would have to make sure that he didn’t make the same mistake.
He watched as they tore apart his brother’s body and tossed the pieces onto a burning fire. After they watched him burn they retired to their tent.
He had a feeling that they wouldn’t be coming back out again that evening. The fire that was now raging was huge and he had no doubt there would be no evidence left of his brother by the time it burnt out.
He walked away and headed back to their cabin.
Chapter Six
When he got back, he got his head down and slept soundly for four hours. He had set his internal body clock to wake him just before 6am and as always it didn’t let him down.
He looked out of his small window. He breathed the fresh morning air to the very depths of his lungs and exhaled slowly.
His eyes wandered down to the valley below. All was quiet. Their tent and truck were still there and the fire that hours ago had blazed furiously was now smouldering. As he watched, a clap of thunder rang out overhead and rain started falling heavily. Steam rose as the fire was finally extinguished by the freak rain storm.
He showered quickly and dressed, before gathering his things. He wasn’t sure what he would he need. He grabbed enough food to last him 48 hours and some cash in case he needed supplies.
He had no plan, he just wanted to follow them and see where they led him.
He jumped into his truck, turned the key in the ignition and pulled away slowly. After driving for less than ten minutes he pulled off the road into a secluded spot.
From where he was now, they would have to pass him whenever they decided to leave camp. He wasn’t sure how long they planned on staying but he didn’t think it would be too long. He expected them to leave later that morning.
After waiting patiently for two hours his ears pricked up as he heard the sound of tyres on gravel. They were moving slowly. He was well hidden but wary that they would see him. He slowly got out of his car, leaving the door ajar so as not to make the slightest noise.
As they passed he could see them talking and smiling. They didn’t even glance in his direction. Once they were a quarter of a mile further down the road, he climbed back in his car, started the engine and drove after them.
He kept them just in sight but without getting too close. It was essential that they didn’t know they were being followed. They pulled onto the motorway which gave him good cover. There were plenty of cars on the road, allowing him to relax slightly.
The man and woman drove carefully. It was often the case that proper criminals were careful drivers. He had lost count of the number of killers who had been pulled over for a minor speeding offence. One of the most careful and clinical serial killers of all time, Ted Bundy, had been unmasked after being pulled over by a traffic officer. It was why he always drove exactly five miles below the speed limit at all times. He believed he was witnessing the same careful cold logic at work here.
When they left the main road he had to be more careful as they led him through quiet housing estates before pulling up into a new estate.
Their house was a modest size but was extremely well maintained and would be worth a small fortune. He parked up about 250 yards away from them, just around a slight bend. He watched as they got out of the truck, waving and chatting amiably with their neighbours. The man ran across the road to help an old lady who was just taking her shopping up her garden path.
Pillars of the local community.
Little did the community know that they had two monsters living in their midst. And another one waiting for his opportunity to take them on himself.
That afternoon, they didn’t leave the house. He tried imagining himself in some elaborate American cop show, staking out his enemy, but it didn’t make it any less tedious or boring.
Night fell and he opened one of his pre packed sandwiches, some crisps and a bottle of water. He would need to stay alert and getting plenty of calories in was key to doing that, particularly as he hadn’t eaten all day.
He felt himself become more alert as the carbohydrates worked their way into his bloodstream.
Lights flickered on in their upstairs window as night fell outside.
An hour later as he was beginning to feel increasingly uncomfortable, the front door opened and the girl came out of the house alone.
She was dressed extravagantly with all her best assets on show, her dress accentuating her curves, her long legs on show and just a hint of cleavage visible.
She climbed into the car.
She was alone. She drove. He was torn. Should he follow her or should he keep an eye on the house?
He decided to follow. She was driving into town. She parked in a secluded car park, before walking into one of the local bars. He had heard of the place and knew it was a popular haunt for a young crowd.
He wondered why she was there on her own.
Was there trouble in paradise? He parked further down the road and against his better judgement, got out of the car and headed into the bar.
He was hit by a blast of music, and the smell of beer and testosterone lingered in the air.
He bought a beer at the bar as his eyes scanned the room.
He couldn’t pick her out. He moved into a corner seat where he could see everyone coming in and out but without drawing too much attention to himself. He would limit himself to one beer. He needed to stay alert and he found that alcohol dulled his senses quickly.
Suddenly she was there.
He could understand why his brother had succumbed to her charms. He resolved that he would thoroughly enjoy himself with her before he slit her throat.
She sidled up to the bar and took a stool. Most of the men in the room were now looking at her and she knew it.
She cast her eye around as if she was looking for someone. He kept his head down. He didn’t want to be noticed. He bore more than a passing resemblance to his brother and he didn’t want to alarm her and draw unwanted attention to himself.
Her gaze was quickly attracted to two young men playing pool in the corner of the bar.
They were young, in their mid-twenties and extremely good looking. One was dark skinned with a gym honed body visible under his fitted black shirt. The other was blonde with long floppy hair and a skinny physique. Completely different from his friend but equally attractive to a virile young female.
She walked over to them and began a conversation. He wasn’t sat close enough to hear what they were saying but the body language and the smiles on all their faces suggested that they were enjoying each other’s company.
The talking continued as the blonde man bent down to continue the game. As the dark man turned for a sip of his drink she walked around the table and leaned behind the blonde as he considered his shot.
She slipped her arm around him and slowly rubbed his crotch. He looked at her in surprise. She walked away and went out the back door. The blonde man said something to his friend before abandoning the game and following her outside.
He watched this scene play out in front of him. Had she just claimed her next victim? If so he was going to find out. He downed the rest of his drink, gagging slightly as the strong alcohol slid down his throat.
He made his way outside and followed the sound of low voices. He peered around the corner and there they were.
He watched as she ran her hands slowly down the man’s shirt before pulling him in for a gentle kiss.
Their hands suddenly tore at each other and the man quickly had her dress hitched up and his penis inside her.
The man watched them fucking and looked at the girl’s face. Despite the fact she was making all the right noises and her hands grasped the man’s back, her face was cold and her eyes were
dead. They showed no emotion at all.
The man suddenly cried out and then nearly collapsed as his legs quivered. She pulled her thong up, whispered something in his ear, and he walked back into the bar.
Just then a car pulled up behind them and killed its lights. He didn’t look around. He didn’t want to take his eyes off the girl. She was mesmerising in a very sick, psychotic way.
The door to the bar opened again, and the black man who had also been playing pool came out and joined her. She greeted him with a hard kiss, before her hands roamed down to the belt of his trousers. The man was clearly aroused. She dropped to her knees and took him in her mouth.
It was then that something strange started happening. While she kept one hand firmly on the man’s buttocks she started making what looked like signals with her other one.
From his vantage point it was hard to see who she making the signals to. Then his hearing, honed by spending years hunting in the forest, heard a car door gently close. She waved more quickly and suddenly there was her boyfriend, waiting to strike his next victim.
He approached quickly and stealthily and was soon stood right behind the black man, who was enjoying having his cock sucked far too much to even notice that anything untoward was going on. He realised then that his brother had never stood a chance. These guys were professionals and worked in tandem quite brilliantly.
Suddenly the black man cried out, enjoying a prolonged orgasm. It was then that the man behind him pulled out a syringe, plunged it into the man’s neck and he collapsed with his trousers still around his ankles, exposing his now limp penis.
They worked quickly, the girl getting to her feet and pulling the man’s trousers up. He was clearly going to die.
The man watching didn’t want to let this happen. They had already taken his brother, and how many other victims had they claimed with their efficient team work. Just as they were preparing to lift the man, he slipped back into the bar, found the nearest fire alarm and smashed it with his elbow. He heard a groan as hundreds of people enjoying themselves were shepherded outside. He ran back outside and saw a car making a hasty getaway. He turned the corner, and found the man, still unconscious but breathing. He kneeled down and checked his pulse, which was strong.
He would live, but only thanks to him. If he hadn’t intervened his life would have been over within hours.
He left the man before he attracted any unwanted attention to himself, took off in his car and followed them back to their house. The lights were on when he arrived. He pulled a pad of paper out of the glovebox and wrote a note. Slowly he climbed out of the car, closing the door quietly behind him.
He walked tentatively up the drive, hoping that no lights came on. They didn’t and he quickly posted the piece of the paper through the letterbox. He beat a hasty retreat and set off to find a local hotel to stay the night.
Chapter Seven
James woke up at first light and rolled over in bed. He could hear the wings of birds fluttering in the tree outside the bedroom window. He looked at his girlfriend sleeping peacefully in the bed next to him. She looked so quiet and calm, completely unaffected by the events of the previous evening. They had got so carried away. When that fire alarm had gone off, they had been seconds away from being caught bundling an unconscious man into the back of their car.
She had been quick to write it off as merely coincidence, nothing more than a spot of bad luck. He wasn’t sure though. When he had watched her seducing the two men, feeling the hardness growing in his trousers, he had felt as though they were being watched. He had looked around closely and though he thought a shadow had caught his eye a couple of times he hadn’t seen anyone.
He had crept up on the man successfully as she had done her thing and had managed to sedate him. That was when the fire alarm had gone off and they had abandoned their plan, narrowly escaping before the rush of people leaving the building.
He breathed deeply and gently stroked her face.
How his life had changed since he had met her just six months ago.
He had been a policeman called out to a report of a domestic disturbance. When he arrived at the house the door had been open and he had slowly gone in, identifying himself clearly as the police. He got no response. He could hear a woman crying softly upstairs. He walked up and checked the bathroom.
There were signs of a disturbance but nobody in the room. He followed the sobbing to the bedroom and a wave of anxiety passed through him as that distinctive metallic smell that meant blood wafted up his nostrils.
He drew his weapon and opened the door slowly. He could immediately see the girl. She was covered in blood and a knife lay discarded by her side. He moved quickly into the room and kicked the knife away from her reach. She flinched as she noticed his presence but her gaze never wavered. He turned to look in the direction she was facing and what he saw horrified him.
A man was lying on the bed, blood pouring from three huge wounds in his stomach. Amazingly he was still breathing. He rushed over to the man. Blood was coming out of his mouth as he struggled to breathe. He went to call an ambulance but the man knocked his phone out of his hand.
Where had he found the strength? He gestured for him to come closer and he whispered in his ear.
“Whatever that bitch tells you don’t believe a word of it. That fucker murdered me and she will do her very best to get away with it.”
He looked into the dying man’s eyes and suddenly saw fear reflected back at him. He turned as the crazy woman jumped at him with the knife in her hands and plunged it into her boyfriend for the fourth time. He was dead within seconds.
He knew he should be doing something but he stared transfixed. He couldn’t believe what he was witnessing.
She slowly withdrew the knife, looked him up and down coldly and then sat back down in the corner where he had first found her. He gaped at her.
“Shouldn’t you be calling for back up or something?” she asked.
Her words jolted him out of his stupor and grabbing his phone, he called for more police and an ambulance. He knew the man was already dead but it was standard procedure.
He heard the sirens coming before he saw them.
She had made no move and clearly had no quarrel with him.
He heard the shouts of his colleagues arriving and he called out to them. They opened the door and one of the newest recruits immediately went green, left the room and threw up on the landing.
His immediate superior asked him if he knew what had happened. He looked at the girl and hesitated.
The words came out of his mouth before he had time to think.
“The man was dead when I arrived,” he lied. “I found her crying in the corner. She hasn’t moved or spoken since I got here. She has self-defence wounds on her arms. You’ll have to try and get her to speak to find out the full story though,” he said.
What the hell had he just done? He had just witnessed this woman murder the man who was now lying dead in front of him and he had just lied to his superiors and potentially put his career and whole life in jeopardy. For someone he had never met and knew for a fact was a murderer.
He looked at her and saw something different in her eyes now. Where before they had been cold and indifferent, now he saw curiosity and amusement.
He pulled himself away from her gaze to hear his boss arresting her on suspicion of murder. He was worried now. If the girl confessed everything he was going to have some serious explaining to do. But surely they would take his word over hers?
He got into his car and followed the vehicle with her inside. She turned around and looked at him. She flashed him a quick smile and he felt his face burn.
When they arrived at the police station she was escorted to a cell and left on her own. He sat down at his desk and puffed out his cheeks. He logged on to his computer and checked his emails. Nothing of interest. He could see his boss looking at him out of the corner of his eye.
He hoped he wouldn’t get asked any awkward questi
His boss looked concerned as he perched himself on the edge of his desk.
“How are you feeling? That was some bloodbath you walked into today.”
“I’m ok,” he replied. “Just a little shaken up.”
“You’re bound to be. This looks like self-defence to me, but the girl seems remarkably calm for someone who has just killed her boyfriend. Is there anything else you think I should know? You were the first pair of eyes on the scene, so anything you might be able to tell us could help.”
The memory of the girl plunging the knife into her boyfriend’s stomach flashed before his eyes.
“No, nothing to add. We just got there too late. He was already dead by the time I arrived in the house.”
“Ok, well I’m going to go and question her now. You get yourself off home, you’ve had a hell of an afternoon.”
“If it’s alright with you sir, I’d like to stay and watch the interview.”
He nodded that he could and walked off towards the interview room. James got up from his desk and walked to the viewing room where he would be able to see the girl being questioned.
She looked calm and collected. The boss opened up with routine questions, asking her name (Madeleine), date of birth, and how she was feeling, before getting stuck into the real reason why they were all there.
“So Madeleine, can you tell us as best as you can remember exactly what happened today?”
“It was all my fault,” she said.
James felt his breathing sharpen as he heard her words. Was she about to confess all and reveal his lie?
“How so?”
“I’ve been having an affair for the past six months. My boyfriend found messages on my phone today and he went berserk. We rowed and he came at me with a knife.”
“So he attacked you first?”
“Yes that’s right?”
“So how was he the one who ended up dead?”
“I’m strong, I work out four or five times a week. And if you kick a man in the balls there isn’t always a lot they can do.”